In 2010 Winning Moves Games USA published "Scattergories Categories" which is a twist on classic Scattergories play.

Categories in the book are based on the ones in the board game but have modifications. Players try to beat their most recent or their best score. Sanctioned by Hasbro, this book provides Scattergories players a way to play a solitaire version of the game with the following variations: write down two answers, not just one, for every category instead of coming up with unique answers, try to match answers, which are hidden in a word search score bonus points by matching answers hidden in the word search grid's leftover letters. In January 2010 Puzzlewright Press published "Scattergories Word Search Puzzles" by Mark Danna, a former associate editor at Games magazine. For example, if an "S" is turned over and "The Beach" is turned over.if someone slaps the "I Know" card and says "I Know! Sand." That player claims either card and turns over a new letter or subject card(depending on what they claimed.) The game ends when one entire deck is exhausted. Players turn over the top card in the letter deck and category deck and the first person to shout out a correct answer takes a card. (It is not a booster pack.) The game includes a deck of letter cards, a deck of category cards and 2 "I Know" cards.
It is a fast-playing, portable game of Scattergories. In 2008 Winning Moves Games USA published Scattergories The Card Game. It consists of 18 cards with 144 new categories and contains 6 new answer pads. In 1989 Milton Bradley published a "refill" pack for Scattergories. The Scattergories 20-sided die includes the letters A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, R, S, T, and W and excludes the letters Q, U, V, X, Y, and Z. President, and therefore is not a valid answer, rewarding zero points. Truman, as his middle name is the letter "S." Martin Sheen, however, was never a U.S. Presidents using the letter "S", an acceptable answer would be Harry S. In the case of proper nouns, all parts of the answer will be counted as adequate provided each begins with the letter in play.The die is rolled again (and re-rolled if the same letter as the previous round is duplicated), and the second round starts.

If the vote is a tie, the vote of the player who is being challenged is thrown out. When challenged, all players vote on the validity of that answer.

All players must agree on the list to use. In new versions of the game, each card has 2 lists of 12 unique categories, for a total of 16 lists and 192 categories. In addition, the category cards have 4 lists, each with 12 unique categories, for a total of 144 categories in the game. Each sheet in the answering pad has three columns of 12 blank lines.